Fluoroscopy-Guided Tracking Research

AutoSNAP: Automatically Learning Architectures for Instrument Pose Estimation

Introduction To the domain expert (e.g. Computer-Assisted Interventions researcher) Are you tired of not optimizing your neural network architecture yourself? Are you just using the currently hot architecture, despite not knowing if it is really the best architecture for your problem or if some change might improve the results? With AutoSNAP we introduce a method…

Fluoroscopy-Guided Tracking Research

i3PosNet: Instrument Pose Estimation from X-Ray in temporal bone surgery

If you are using data or code from this project, please cite the following paper. Thank you! Kügler, D; Sehring, J; Stefanov, A; Stenin, I; Kristin, J; Klenzner, T; Schipper, J; Mukhopadhyay, A (2020): i3PosNet: Instrument Pose Estimation from X-Ray in temporal bone surgery. IPCAI 2020 and IJCARS 15(7), 1137-1145, Springer, doi: 10.1007/s11548-020-02157-4 Reception I…


IPCAI 2020

I am presenting my i3PosNet work at this year’s virtual IPCAI conference June 23rd to 24th.